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William Benson
Mar 23, 20232 min read
Get Ready to Grow Strawberries in Your Tower Garden: A Comprehensive Guide
Are you ready to grow fresh and delicious strawberries all year round in your Tower Garden? Our comprehensive guide will show you how to...
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William Benson
Feb 28, 20232 min read
Grow beautiful, bountiful strawberries on your Tower Garden, indoors our out.
Are you looking to grow delicious strawberries in your aeroponic tower garden or soilless growing system? With strawberries, there are 2...
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William Benson
Feb 13, 20231 min read
PH in your Tower Garden, what's it all about?
pH stands for "potential hydrogen or power of hydrogen" and refers to the measure of acidity or alkalinity in a solution. In a tower...
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William Benson
Jan 24, 20232 min read
Grow Aeroponically and Cut the Cost of Your Food Bill!
As the cost of living continues to rise, many people are struggling to make ends meet. One of the biggest expenses for many households is...
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William Benson
Jan 24, 20232 min read
Growing Your Mental Wellbeing: The Surprising Benefits of Aeroponic Soilless Gardening
Gardening has long been touted as a way to improve mental health & wellbeing. From the simple act of digging in the dirt to the...
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William Benson
Jan 24, 20232 min read
The Benefits of Aeroponic Farming
Do you want to become more self-sufficient and make a positive impact on the environment? If so, then growing your own produce...
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William Benson
Jan 10, 20232 min read
Cut and come again or whole head harvesting- which is correct for plants on your aeroponic system?
When it comes to harvesting vegetables, there are two main methods: whole head harvesting and cut-and-come-again harvesting. The method...
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William Benson
Nov 22, 20221 min read
That Pesty issue
We all get them, growing indoors and out. Pests, bugs, predators, whatever you want to call them they can be a real pain if they're not...
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William Benson
Mar 22, 20222 min read
How to grow a bountiful TowerGarden outdoors
The Towergarden Home is a system like no other. Grow massive plants indoors throughout the winter, expanding the lights as they grow....
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William Benson
Mar 15, 20221 min read
Epic 2,000 Tomatoes harvest
Last year I was mentoring a really lovely guy called Alf who had just bought a towergarden and then had bought a second almost...
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William Benson
Feb 7, 20221 min read
Natural Predators to the rescue
We're very pleased to announce that Seedleaves is now working with the amazing Dragonfli, producers of the finest.... bug eating bugs! As...
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William Benson
Oct 28, 20211 min read
Begone Chlorine, thou shall not pass!
I've got that Lord of the rings scene going through my head when I think of this new product we've just started stocking! Ok, so perhaps...
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William Benson
Oct 7, 20211 min read
Stunning Outdoor TowerGarden Home
A little look at what you can do with a Towergarden home, outdoors without the lights. 10 different plants all on one tower. It's a...
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William Benson
Dec 20, 20201 min read
TowerGarden Home update
Ok, so I've been rubbish at keeping my TG home in check- I frankly can't keep up with how fast it grows. Some of the plants like the...
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