Fresh produce on your table,
Savings in your wallet
Eliminate the need for a middleman and avoids the high prices associated with shop-bought produce when you grow your own food with Tower Garden.
Harvest your own produce when at its freshest and most flavourful, and enjoy produce that is far superior to anything you can buy at a supermarket. The best part is that it's relatively inexpensive and easy to set up, with minimal maintenance costs. The initial investment will pay for itself in no time, as the savings on your shopping bill will quickly add up. Plus, the system can be easily scaled up or down depending on your needs and the space available, making it a flexible option for households of all sizes.

Grow Your Mental Wellbeing
Reduce your stress levels and improve your mood when you grow your own food with Tower Garden.
It's a well-known fact that gardening, regardless of method, is associated with improved self-esteem and life satisfaction. The process of caring for and watching your plants grow can provide a sense of purpose and accomplishment, further boosting your mental wellbeing. Additionally, connecting with nature through gardening can be a great way to find peace and tranquility in your daily life.

The Nutritional Powerhouse for Fresh and Healthy Produce
Take control over what goes into your food & into your body.
When you grow your own produce aeroponically, you have complete control over what goes into your plants, meaning you can avoid using pesticides and other chemicals. This results in produce that is not only fresher & tastier as it's been harvested to order, but also more nutritious. Aeroponic growing systems also use less water than traditional gardening methods, meaning that the plants are able to concentrate their energy on producing high-quality produce.

Farm From Home and Elevate Your Eco-Consciousness
Aeroponic systems are incredibly eco-friendly, as they use very little water and produce very little waste. The systems use only the water & nutrients that the plants need, and any excess is collected and reused. This not only helps to save resources, but it also reduces the amount of waste that goes to landfills. No need for soil either, which means that they are not dependent on the use of pesticides and other chemicals. Additionally, they do not require the use of fossil fuels for transportation, which makes them a much more sustainable option for growing your own produce.
Aeroponisk vækst
Med Tower Garden
Med den nuværende krise, der opsluger verden og vores fødevaresikkerhed i alvorlig fare, er det nu tid til at se på en ny fremtid i den måde, landbruget fungerer på. At bringe vækst direkte ind i hjertet af vores lokalsamfund har potentialet til for alvor at afhjælpe mange af de nuværende problemer.
Seedleaves.com har indgået partnerskab med den fantastiske Tower Garden for at bringe disse vidunderlige aeroponiske tårne til Storbritannien. Vi kan både sælge dig TowerGardens til dit hjem og rådgive dig i forbindelse med installation af store kommercielle operationer. Vi er i gang med at bygge en betydelig installation i det sydlige England, som et søstersted til den utrolige TrueGarden i Arizona.
​Buy A Tower Garden from Seedleaves.com and receive:
25% off your first and third Seedling Packs.
50% off our new online course 'A Complete Guide to Soilless Growing'

Vokser kommercielt
Lad os komme i gang
I samarbejde med TrueGarden og Tower Farms kan Seedleaves.com hjælpe med alle elementer i planlægningsprocessen. Kommercielle gårde kan installeres på både jordoverfladen og på tagene og arbejder symbiotisk med mange virksomhedstyper, fra restauranter og fødevaredetailhandel til skoler og universiteter.
Med den nuværende krise, der ryster verden, er der ikke noget bedre tidspunkt at se på denne banebrydende måde at vokse på, lige i hjertet af fællesskabet.
Vi kan hjælpe med alle elementer i planlægningsprocessen og give al den viden, der er nødvendig for at oprette din egen gård.