100% automated, vertical growing systems
Are you looking to buy a vertical farm in the UK or worldwide?
Do you want to grow your own produce, year-round, in-doors or outdoors, within your business or as a commercial enterprise? Look no further than Tower Farms. Our 100% automated, vertical growing solution includes 10-1000+ modular towers, capable of growing up to 52 plants per tower. That's 950% more produce than growing in soil.

Revolutionise your produce supply chain
Take control of your supply chain, reduce your environmental impact, and ensure a consistent supply of fresh, high-quality produce for your customers or employees
Tower Farms vertical farm can be set up in greenhouses or indoors using grow lights, and even thrive on rooftops in heavy stormy climates.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to take control of your produce and join the Tower Farm revolution!

Full installation and continued support
Feel confident that after installing a TowerFarm with Seedleaves, we will be there to help you.
You will receive unlimited access to our online lessons and have your own WhatsApp channel where we will respond to any queries you have.
We have considerable experience in building, operating and integrating your farm into your business, owning our own retail & restaurant outlet all working with the Farm.

Proud members of
We have a wealth of experience in building urban farms and are members of the following organisations. We are also approved suppliers and installers of Tower Farms.
We were also partners with Groof, an EU funded year long project looking at how to build greenhouses in urban environments- either on, or next to a building.

Installing a Medium Scale Farm for The One Garden
One Garden Brighton is an 18th-C walled garden enclosing a farm shop, restaurant and greenhouse.
In May 2021 Seedleaves partnered with Plumpton College to install a 10-tower farm into the greenhouse. After operating the farm for a few months, One Garden decided to increase the number of towers by another 15 and now have great products for their restaurant and farm shop. We have also built several other pieces of equipment like a vertical tent for seedlings and several flood and drain systems.
If you have a greenhouse and want to join the vertical journey- get in touch.

Installing a
Micro-Farm for
Lakeside Restaurant
The University of Surrey is a leading research-intensive university located in the UK. In February 2023, the university will be partnering with Seedleaves to install a 10-Tower Tower Farm on campus.
The farm will be located outside of their University restaurant with producing going directly into their kitchens.
The farm comes of the back of 2 internal Towers that we installed last year and have proven an amazing talking point for guests walking into the restaurant.
Head chef David has been great to work with and is highly driven towards sustainable urban growing. The farm will produce a broad range of produce- Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers to various leafy greens, herbs and edible flowers.